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Why choose us? 

Global Net Recruitment has a 100% success rate. You are our priority, as is your success. Therefore, we guarantee, through our connections and networks, to bring forth options that suit you individually. We at Global Net Recruitment are confident in this. If we can't get you an offer from an American university, there is a money back guarantee and you will receive a refund. Your success is our main priority, which is why we put care and take time answering all your questions. We will always be available to assist in your journey in whatever capacity we can. 

100% Guaranteed succuss!

WAU players Huddle

Get Informed 

This is the beginning of your journey. Learn details about the experience you will have at college and in life in the USA. Connect with a staff member that will guide you through your entire process.  

Bartu Photo

Eligibility Evaluation 

An evaluation of if your eligibility to move to the USA is required. We, in partnership with universities, do this by checking through football merit, academic achievements and visa requirements.  

Sign with Global Net Recrutiment 

Take a life changing step and sign a contract at Global Net Recruitment. Here you will unlock your welcome package, receive company merchandise, professional training plans, and a supportive framework to assist with your journey

Sigining athletic scholarship
College soccer player dribbling

Profile Creation 

We will build you a soccer profile. Working with you, our staff will create a well-designed profile to market you to universities. This includes working with our French and Dutch video editors to create a professional highlight reel, focusing on what we know coaches want to see.

Woman celebrating winning

Get Scholarship Offers

After we have contacted universities, and done the appropriate marketing, we bring forth all Scholarship offers to you. You will communicate directly with potential coaches and be given the oppurtunity to ask questions to evaluate the best option for you individually. We will guide you every step of the way.

College soccer player crossing

Visa Guidance 

 We will assist you with understanding and completing all paperwork and visa procedures in order to help you reach the future that you desire in the USA.

We Continue to help you throughout your journey!

Here at Global Net Recruitment, we care about the success of our athletes. That is why even after you sign for a college we will continue to check in, be available for support and assist with potential transfers. At no added cost.

Player and coach

Contact US

Any Questions? Just ask our frinedly staff is more than happy to answer any questions. 

Thanks for submitting!

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